YOGA FOR EMPATHS PODCAST – S1 Ep. 8 Your Purpose & Gift To The World

Whether we are an empath or not, this is a challenge – and opportunity – that modern life offers us! Learning to develop healthy boundaries, observing our patterns and grounding our energy allows us to be more present in our daily lives. In this episode, we explore tips and reflection question to try!

Tune in!

This episode is the last of Series 1

A HUGE thank you to everyone who tuned in and for the feedback emails I received -n sharing thoughts, experiences and ideas from what came up in the podcasts – This has been fun to make! I will be back soon with Series 2. For now, enjoy the last episode of this one!

Episode 8: Reflections & Tips

All the reflection questions will be in this podcast – You are invited to write these down, try the exercises and observe what comes up within. Each reflection question may change over time, as we build the bigger picture.

🌟 More Reflection Q’s Coming Soon!

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