PODCAST & JOURNAL INSPIRATION: 3 Journal Exercises For Seasonal Goal Setting & Planning

Let me share the 3 journal exercises that we explored in this podcast episode. Tips and inspiration to start tuning in and creating goals today!



For each season, let’s explore your connection and how you feel about it. In general, we can say that the Moon Months (Autumn and Winter) are a time for slowing down, diving deeper within, hibernating, indoor life, darker and colder days, and creative and deeply emotional energy – And the Sun Months (Spring and Summer) tend to be more active, action-based, and outdoors life, with hotter and lighter days. This really depends on where you live, your local environment/nature and of course… how you feel on a personal level!

In your journal, split the post into 4 sections – 1 for each season. You can do this in any way you like. Some people dedicate a whole page for each season and others create a table… The main thing is that you have 4 parts where you can write down your reflections.

REFLECTION QUESTION: What does each season bring up within you?

You can start with the season you are in right now. 

How are you connecting to this current season? Is it the same as in previous years or has it changed and evolved? And if it does change, why?

Deepen your reflections for each season by also diving into a few areas:

  • The emotions that each season brings up for you
  • Memories that come up with each season
  • The colours you connect to for each season
  • Your local environment: The changes in temperature, weather, colours, seasonal foods, local holidays that each season brings
  • How you connect to others and your energy to socialise for each season
  • How your energy feels more/increases or less/decreases in different seasons

These are some areas you can dive into. Add or choose what feels right for you! The main aim is to get you feeling and explore how each season affects you on different levels and in your daily life.


Now that we know how we connect to each season and what it brings up within us, it’s time to think about how you can use this energy.

Energy and our connection to the seasons can remind us of exactly how we can channel it into our goals. For example: We can channel our energy into a faster pace or physical activities during the seasons where we feel more energised – Or focus on more personal creative self-care goals when we feel more receptive and reflective.

Again, start with the season you are in. 

How are you using your energy in this season for your daily life and goals? Do your goals align with the way your energy feels in this season? Are you feeling more energised and action-based or more internal and reflective/receptive in this season? And how does that affect your daily life?

In time, you may start to see how some seasons support your energy in certain goals more than others. 


Let’s get practical now! Start by writing down the season you are going to focus on – If you are in the first 2 weeks of a new season, then you can still plan for it. If you are in the middle-late part of the season, you can start by focusing on the next season ahead.

After the last 2 journal exercises, use what you know to think about 1 MAIN GOAL for the season you are planning for. This is fantastic for setting up a project or new routines. It can be used in many different ways, both in your work and personal life. Write this goal in your journal and don’t forget to write down your WHY (intention) for this. This will help you as a reminder when things challenge you or when you feel unmotivated. Your WHY will hopefully keep you on track.

Now break down the season into 3 months – Write down the dates for Month 1, Month 2 and Month 3. For each month, you can now make realistic action-based steps. The first month will be the foundation, the second month will be a key building step and the third month will be a completion or milestone point to achieve the results. If you like, you can give each month a title or affirmation. You can always adjust as you go along but you now have a template to start writing some actions you can do for each month.

Here are 2 classic examples that come up…


MAIN GOAL FOR SUMMER – Making new friends. This season brings out my playful, adventurous, active, sociable side. 

My WHY – My close friends have all moved away from my city and it could be a good opportunity to explore new circles and make additional friends who live here now.

Month 1 – Focus on getting out of my comfort zone and doing new things alone. Sign up for the dance class I always wanted to try, start going out more to new places etc. I want to get used to being comfortable and happy with exploring life alone and opening space for starting conversations with new people. 

Month 2 – Having the courage to ask at least 1 new person I have met if they would like to meet up again. This month will give me the time to continue exploring alone but to also explore my intuition and connection to people I am genuinely curious to get to know better.

Month 3 – Evaluate what I have learned about my Self and deepen my understanding of my needs and values in connection to others. At this point, I hope to continue growing any connections I have made and see how this goes. There is no “endpoint” or “finishing goal” in getting to know someone new, but I hope that at this point I can say that I have met some amazing people and enjoyed my Self in the process!


MAIN GOAL FOR AUTUMN – Preparing for my online course launch in the New Year. Autumn brings me back to planting new seeds and work projects. I feel creative and full of possibilities.

My WHY – I love seeing my clients face-to-face but I would also like to offer a valuable online course for clients around the world. I also want to learn new skills and deepen my connection to my online community.

Month 1 – Start gaining feedback from my existing community on what I can offer in my new course. This is through social media and my email list, interacting with everyone as much as possible. I will focus on producing more content on the topic my new course is based on and build my email list. Offer a free gift (related to the course) that new subscribers can download when they sign up – And let people know a new course is coming out soon.

Month 2 – The next 2 months are for creating the course. After gaining valuable feedback, I am going to tailor and streamline my new course for my niche. I will continue creating content on the same topic and start writing/recording my course. This is a great time to let others know about the launch date and offer early-bird discounts.

Month 3 – Finalise my new course. Everything should be set up and ready by the end of this month to launch on New Year’s Day. I will continue my goals from Months 1 and 2, but I will also use the holiday Christmas season to promote my course even more – To also offer it as a gift package for friends/family to join in.

I hope this has inspired you to embrace each season and create goals that feel truly aligned with you!

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