Empath Energy Management – How To Release Draining Energy & Stress From Others

There are many amazing reasons why I love and embrace being a sensitive soul – I often feel like it offers us another dimension in our daily lives to deeply feel the world around us.

HOWEVER... (Yes, I’m sure you know what I am going to say!)… The one thing that really can be overwhelming and challenging is picking up stressful energy, emotions and thoughts from the people and places around us. It can really be draining when we experience these types of energy exchanges in our daily lives. And let’s face it, we can’t avoid or control everything around us as we move through our day.

Sometimes the source is obvious – For example: Rush hour in a crowded city can be a challenge for this. Then there are other times when we can’t pinpoint where it’s from – But we feel it. We consciously or unconsciously feel that change in our stress and emotional levels.

So, what happens next? What do we do with it?

Acknowledge it first. Awareness is key.

Bring awareness to what changes you are feeling and how you are feeling and holding it within your Self. Is it through any part of your body that is feeling heavy? Maybe your emotions/energy-in-motion started to shift? What about the thoughts running through your head? Don’t be afraid to dive in and ask your Self reflection questions about your experience and what you think is a root cause. If you don’t know quite what the root cause is, that’s fine too – Explore.

I find that having a journal to track this is useful because in time you may start to see patterns that keep coming up – This might be the invitation to change something that happens often.

Remind your Self that this is not yours to keep…

You can choose not to hold on to it. Once we get familiar with how we usually experience it within, we can also remind our Self that we don’t have to hold on to it. Most of the time, whatever we have picked up may be what others are going through, their own experiences and the imprints of energy in different environments – which often have nothing to do with us.

I’ll give you my personal example so you can see what I often remind my Self when I get that icky feeling – I usually feel it in the pit of my belly, like a tightening sensation when I pick up something heavy/draining. So when I acknowledge this experience, I take a moment to check what is going on around me or why I may be feeling it. Often, there may not be an explanation at that very moment – So, I usually use deep breaths to imagine that with every inhale I am zooming in on that energy in my belly… Then with every exhale, I feel it releasing.

I also enjoy using affirmations to release – Here are some examples:

“I give my Self full permission to release anything in my mind-body-soul that is not my responsibility and does not have positive intentions for me “

“I release any ties to the energy and feelings that I have picked up”

“I return this energy back to the owner.”

These are just some examples that I find very helpful to do at the moment I feel something is starting to drain my energy in any way. You can choose what works for you and the affirmations that you can say at that moment.

Recharge your own energy often…

This is part of Self-care, regardless of what we do or don’t pick up along the way. Having simple and inspiring routines as often as possible is a great way to tune in, connect our intuition, release what we need to and keep our own energy reserves charged up – In this way, we can face anything with a much more grounded foundation.

For each person, this will be different – Depending on your daily routines and what you feel nurtures your energy. I always say that returning back to your Moon’s energy (your Moon sign/house in our birth chart) can often give us a big indication of what makes us truly feel nurtured (through your Moon’s sign and element) and what area of life (the house your Moon is in) we can focus on or be connected to when we want to feel inspired. A simple example: A person with a Taurus Moon in her 4th house would indicate using Earth element tools as Taurus is an Earth feminine energy (like herbs, food, crystals etc.) around her home space (4th house is the environment that is our home or makes us feel at home, especially emotionally).

If this is something you want to explore more, I have my FULL course on it and a free webinar with my Welcome Pack that has the Part 1 Webinar

Long-Term Inspired Actions

From my previous point, Self-care routines are part of our long-term inspired actions. But we can also start to think of long-term actions that will help us manage our energy and stress better – especially if we are aware of what keeps bringing up the same challenges. For example: Maybe it’s an invitation to work on our communication and boundaries when we are around the same people/situations that trigger us into feeling worse.

Here are 5 things to think about for long-term empath energy management…

① Notice the same patterns and cycles that come up. It may be that it comes in different forms but still are similar. This is an invitation to work on our Self so that we are prepared to make changes the next time it happens.

② Build your institution. I keep saying this – Our intuition is what makes us superstars! >>Tune in to this podcast episode and try these journal exercises.

③Be kinder to your Self. Life and the world are full of good things – and challenges at the same time. We can often be our own worst critics. What if we were kinder and spoke more lovingly to our Self each day?

④ Explore your values and needs – As sensitive souls, we can often focus on this for others, yet we may have to remind our Self of our own. This is a great opportunity to get crystal clear on what is important to you now… And this will also act as an anchor in daily life that will ground your energy.

⑤ Be around people who truly accept you – This is a tough one but it does take time and effort to nurture those special connections. Having people who are also there to give back energy to you (not just take!) and who are not afraid to be honest about how they feel. This can make a big difference when we do need support and space to release anything that is making us feel low.

I hope that this has given you some food for thought! Don’t forget to check out our learning space for courses and free offerings!

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