YOGA FOR EMPATHS PODCAST – S1 Ep. 6 Healthy Boundaries & Grounding

Whether we are an empath or not, this is a challenge – and opportunity – that modern life offers us! Learning to develop healthy boundaries, observing our patterns and grounding our energy allows us to be more present in our daily lives. In this episode, we explore tips and reflection question to try!

Tune in!

This series is on every week – Wed. 8pm London/UK Time until the last episode 8 of this series. Join us!

Every week while we share this series, I will be on live in the chatroom to answer questions and to connect – Feel free to leave your feedback and comments too. Reflection questions and information from the tips will be posted below the video. Enjoy!

Episode 6: Reflections & Tips

It’s essential as an empath to bring awareness and create regular routines where we are grounding our energy and exploring our healthy boundaries!

🌟 Links For Reflection

Healthy Boundaries

If you look up information on healthy boundaries and energy protection, you will find many things! However, there is a huge difference between shutting down our energy as a form of protection and radiating a healthy boundary. In this episode I share some thoughts from a personal experience and what patterns are very common with empaths. Enjoy ❤️

🌟 Kundalini Yoga: Heart Meditation For Projection & Protection

A simple and easy meditation to use any time you want to create a strong magnetic field, protecting you from a heart-full space.  >>WATCH VIDEO

🌟 Healthy Boundaries Reflection Questions:

  • How open are you to sharing your needs?
  • How open are you top receiving from others?
  • Are there any patterns (positive and challenging) in your connections to others?
  • Do you attract energy vampires? (People who drain your energy)
  • How can you actively change the dynamics of your connection with others who are challenging you now?
  • In all honesty, do you feel that your connections with others are 2 way? You will intuitively know if they are or not.
  • How do you value your Self in a connection?
  • How/What do you value in a connection with another person?

🌟 Energy Cords & Meditation:

Energy cords are collected over time, many of them are with people in our lives – as well as patterns, memories, habits etc. It is so important to bring awareness to what energy cords we need to release, so that we can make room for new healthy energy connections. 

I found that my own meditation was deleted (thanks Mercury Retrograde!) so I will post my own meditation soon, stay tuned!


We all need to ground our energy these days! Not only will you feel more balanced and present, you will be able to connect with people and your life in a stronger way too. There is a lot of science and links to grounding and our health. Enjoy this film!

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